This is one of my favourite pieces of music in Stellaris, embodying the game’s – and the science fiction genre’s – spirit of exploration and discovery. At its start, it’s understated and almost ethereal; it takes on a questing, inquisitive tone around 0:45; and finally blossoms into liveliness at 2:40. Enjoy!
Musical Monday
Musical Monday: “Brothers in Arms” (Mad Max: Fury Road), composed by Tom Holkenborg
Welcome back to Musical Monday. To celebrate the release anniversary of Mad Max: Fury Road, I present my favourite track from the movie. An action theme through and through (it plays during the canyon sequence), it begins all clash and discordance, before working up to the more hopeful note at 3:00. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Madrigal” (Emperor of the Fading Suns)
This week’s theme is taken from Emperor of the Fading Suns, a cult-classic 1990s TBS that I’ve previously raved about. EFS was – and still is – the defining video game implementation of “feudal future” science fiction, with a soundtrack to match. I’m kicking around ideas for a Let’s Play; until then, enjoy!
Musical Monday: Behind the Scenes with Shogun 2
Celebrating the fifth birthday of Total War: Shogun 2, this week’s Musical Monday is slightly different – a behind-the-scenes look at its taiko drum music. I was interested to learn it was recorded in Sydney by a local troupe, Taikoz. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Roses of May” (Final Fantasy IX), composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Welcome back to Musical Monday!
This week’s song is from a game I haven’t played — I know it from its appearance on the orchestrated Final Fantasy album below. Following the recent mobile re-release of Final Fantasy IX, the time seems right to highlight this lovely piece. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: The Music of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, composed by Michael McCann
Sometimes tense, sometimes exciting – what would Firaxis’ XCOM have been without its soundtrack? With the release of XCOM 2 imminent, I thought I’d highlight Michael McCann’s superb music for the original:
(Note that the versions above, from the composer’s Soundcloud page, appear slightly different from what plays in-game.)
Several tracks stand out. First off is the menu theme, “Enemy Unknown”; its low, ominous beat echoes the ambient music in the Gollop Brothers’ original game, before swelling into something more rousing.
“Ready for Battle”, the squad select theme, is one of the few “heroic” pieces on the soundtrack. I’ve heard it dozens of times and it still hasn’t grown old.
The intense “Combat 8” is my favourite battle theme. I love how it compresses the emotional beats of XCOM combat into less than a minute, from the warble at 0:15, through a harsher blare, to a few hopeful seconds around 0:40.
Finally, “Our Last Hope” is the other notable heroic theme. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Final Fantasy” (almost every game in the series), composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Welcome to the first Musical Monday of 2016! To inaugurate the year, I have chosen the warm, hopeful theme of the Final Fantasy series, as performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Enjoy the song, and may you all have happy listening.
Musical Monday: “Song of the Fields” (King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame), composed by Gergely Buttinger
This week’s song is one of the world map pieces from Neocore’s King Arthur, an interesting if imperfect game that I briefly played. This song’s ethereal vocals (and another similar-sounding theme) were a highlight. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “The Battle of Hoth” (The Empire Strikes Back), composed by John Williams
Or, to give it its full title, “The Battle Of Hoth (Ion Cannon/Imperial Walkers/Beneath the AT-AT/Escape in the Millennium Falcon)”. This is 15 minutes long; I believe it’s the actual background music used in the movie. Sit back and enjoy!
Musical Monday: The Battle Themes of Sins of a Solar Empire
This week, I’ve chosen to highlight the soundtrack of Sins of a Solar Empire, the game that enticed me back to real-time strategy after almost a decade of burnout. I associate the three pieces below with the phases of an engagement: “Battle 8”, with its opening drumbeat and ominous brass, makes me imagine the rival fleets jumping in, their admirals manoeuvring into position. “Battle 12” makes me think of the battle itself. And the triumphant “Upbeat 3” makes me think of the moment of decision, when the TEC Marza-class dreadnoughts unleash their missile barrage, when the enemy fleet crumbles and the survivors flee for the edge of the gravity well. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Main Menu Theme” (Total War: Attila)
While I find most of Attila‘s soundtrack pretty bland, its title theme (and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the Huns’ music) is the exception. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Drunken Sailor” (Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag)
One of the things I love about AC4 is its use of … well, not quite period music – Wikipedia dates this song to the 1800s, well over a century after the game takes place – but pre-existing folk music and shanties. For me, that does a lot to root the game in a sense of time and place. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: The Byzantine Empire (Crusader Kings II), composed by Andreas Waldetoft
Last Christmas, I spent some very pleasurable hours in the shoes of Alexios Komnenos, Emperor of Byzantium, trying to rebuild my battered empire. This week’s song, added as part of the “Songs of Byzantium” DLC for Crusader Kings II, formed part of that experience. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: The Faction Themes of Endless Legend (composed by Flybyno)
I love Endless Legend‘s soundtrack, and I love its imaginative, distinct factions. This week, I thought I’d bring them together. Below, I highlight one theme from each of the three factions that I’ve played (there are eight factions total, each with two themes). Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Travesuras De La Vida” (Tropico 4), by Alex Torres and his Latin Orchestra
Have I got a treat for you this week! The music of Tropico 4 is fantastic, both in its own right, and as a way to bring the setting to life. Enjoy – and check out artist Alex Torres’ other work. I’m listening to his catalogue on Spotify as I type…
Musical Monday: “Restriction” (Tactics Ogre), composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto
Tactics Ogre might just have my single favourite soundtrack of any game. This week, I present the hero’s theme, appropriately heroic. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Trisection” (Final Fantasy Tactics), composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto
I cannot believe that in almost three years of Musical Mondays (how time flies), I have never presented this song. It’s the first battle theme heard in Final Fantasy Tactics – arguably it’s the signature battle theme of FFT. Unfortunately, there has never been an orchestrated or remastered version of the FFT soundtrack; the song below is what you would hear in the original Playstation or PSP game. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Swanky Maximino” (Grim Fandango), composed by Peter McConnell
This week’s song is another of my favourites from Grim Fandango. It’s possible to miss it entirely — it plays in one teensy, tiny, optional room — and that would be a shame. It’s so great that I lingered to listen. Enjoy!
Note: I’ve decided to change the format again – the site’s been lagging, and I suspect this because there are too many videos on the front page. Click through for the video.
Musical Monday: “Bone Wagon” (Grim Fandango), composed by Peter McConnell
In honour of the Grim Fandango re-release, I present one of my favourite tracks from the original. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Melee Cafe” (Rome: Total War), composed by Jeff van Dyck
If you played PC strategy games during the mid-2000s, this (oddly named) song will bring back memories for you. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Binary Sunset” (Star Wars), composed by John Williams
For this week’s song, I was spoiled for choice — ever since playing Empire at War, I’ve been in the mood for Star Wars music. In the end, I opted for the hopeful, yearning piece below. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you, gentle reader!
Musical Monday: “Pierre de Lune”/”Wizard Stones” (Endless Legend), composed by Flybyno
This year, I kick off with one of my favourite pieces of ambient music from Endless Legend, a game that has a lot of good ambient music. (Confusingly, the song goes by two different names.) Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Heartaches by the Number” (Fallout: New Vegas), performed by Guy Mitchell
This week’s song is another one of my favourites from Fallout: New Vegas. Enjoy!
“Wilderness” (Crusader Kings II), composed by Andreas Waldetoft
After giving up on my dream of restoring the Persian empire in Crusader Kings II – believe me, I tried every strategy, half a dozen characters, and many, many times – I decided to try a Norse ruler instead. And wow, the Norse music (contained in the “Hymns to the Old Gods” DLC) is pretty good. The example below is lovely and mellow – enjoy! EDIT: It’s also mellower than the image would suggest – I only just noticed the dangling bodies. Yikes!
Musical Monday: “Desperate Fight” (Valkyria Chronicles), composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto
Here’s another gem from the Valkyria Chronicles soundtrack. It’s one of the game’s more iconic battle themes (despite the name, it plays in regular rather than boss battles); to me, this is VC. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Gabriel Knight Main Theme” and “St George’s Bookstore” (Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers), composed by Robert Holmes
This week, I present two variations on the same theme. The main title theme of Gabriel Knight is forty seconds of tension, followed by two minutes of intensity. It pops up again, this time a gentle guitar piece, as the ambient music in Gabriel’s bookstore. It’s stuck in my mind all these years, and below, I’ve linked the remastered versions from the new remake. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Triumph” (Frozen Synapse), composed by Paul Taylor
Frozen Synapse has recently been ported to Vita (as Frozen Synapse: Prime), so for this week, I thought I’d highlight my favourite track from the original game. Together with the visual design, the music is key to the game’s cyberpunk atmosphere – I suspect it’s especially important given the minimalism of the rest of the game. Enjoy!
Musical Tuesday: “Walls No Man Has Seen” (The Banner Saga), composed by Austin Wintory
This week’s song begins slowly, and it’s not as “attention-grabbing” as, say, the music that plays during the finale. Give it 30 seconds. I love how it builds to a higher, hopeful note. Enjoy!
Change of format this week – I’m including the video on the front page. I’ll revert this if it ends up lagging the page; otherwise, it should spare the need to click through.
Musical Monday: “Cherry Blossom Color Season” (Katamari Damacy), composed by Yu Miyake
This week’s song is a great, quirky, happy piece from a great, quirky, happy game. It’s perhaps my single favourite from the Katamari soundtrack – no small feat, given how strong the other songs are. Enjoy!
Musical Monday: “Cyan’s Theme” (Final Fantasy VI), composed by Nobuo Uematsu
This week’s song is another gem from FF6, which excelled at clear, simple, memorable character themes. I’m slowly learning how to play it on the piano; the version I linked below is the SNES original music. Decades later, it still sounds good. Enjoy!