2024: my gaming year in review

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series Gaming year in review / Game of the Year Awards

Better late than never!

Every year I publish a recap of that year in gaming. 2024 was a good year in terms of new releases, spread across several different genres.

Overall, including titles from previous years (mostly old favourites that I replayed) skewed my gaming heavily towards strategy.

What new releases did I play in 2024?

Indy enjoys a quiet moment.

The new releases I played were a mix of genres — these included:

Which new releases were my favourites?

My picks for Game of the Year are WARNO and Metaphor: Refantazio, both of which I wrote about.

  • WARNO successfully iterated on Eugen’s real-time tactics formula, and gave me many hours of fun during an often-challenging period.
  • I picked up Metaphor: Refantazio late in the year, and it wowed me with its style, dungeon-crawling, and character interactions.

The runners-up

I would place Indiana Jones and the Great Circle just a notch below. This is not so much the game’s fault as a matter of personal taste — later areas moved away from the verticality, focus on freeform exploration, and gorgeous architecture that enchanted me so much in the first area, the Vatican.

Unicorn Overlord is mechanically excellent and in terms of sheer hours, was one of the games I played most in 2024. Had the writing been better, it would be higher up my list.

What titles from previous years did I discover or revisit?

After 13 years!

There were a lot of beefy, evergreen strategy games:

  • I revisited Old World and Crusader Kings III in response to the release of new DLCs. Old World, in particular, is a perennial on my end-of-year lists.
  • Anno 1800 is another perennial. I even put together a to-do list on pen and paper, as I continued working through the tremendous amount of content in the game. 
  • Inspired by the excellent new Shogun TV series, I revisited Total War: Shogun 2 — and finally won as the Oda clan, the first clan I ever tried!
  • I revisited Terra Invicta and found it coming along well, two years after it launched into Early Access.
  • I revisited Emperor of the Fading Suns (link to my original write-up from back in 2011), a classic 1990s 4X game that has been updated and re-released on GOG.
  • I kept playing Rule the Waves 3, a 2023 release.
  • I also tried Fantasy General 2, Field of Glory 2: Medieval, and 40K: Gladius for the first time (and dusted off FOG2‘s predecessor, Sengoku Jidai). While its production values are limited, Fantasy General 2 made a good impression on me.
Fighting a field boss in Elden Ring.

Non-strategy games included:

  • Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was my favourite game of 2023, and I finished in 2024.
  • I revisited Elden Ring and made it most of the way through the base game — up to the Fire Giant — as well as starting on the DLC.
  • A Legionary’s Life was the standout “short-form” game I discovered in 2024.
  • Revisiting Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord took much of the shine off (my original write-up from 2020), as this time the core gameplay loop felt much more repetitive. But what it does (spectacular battles), it does well.
  • I discovered and enjoyed Suzerain’s base game, leading me to pick up the “Kingdom of Rizia” DLC.
  • Potionomics is charming, although its central loop (brew potions, sell potions, buy ingredients to make more potions, repeat) hasn’t kept me engaged as long as some of the other games on this list.
  • I continued my snail’s-pace progress through Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • We Love Katamari Reroll was as charming as ever.
  • No list of ongoing perennials would be complete without Mario Kart 8: Deluxe.

Site news

2024 was a productive year for the site!

I resurrected Musical Monday, with a mix of game, anime, movie, and even classical music.

Besides games, I also wrote about books (Megan Whalen Turner’s Queen’s Thief series), and movies (Dune: Part 2).

On a technical note, I switched to a new theme, GeneratePress.

Upcoming releases

There’s only one game release on my radar, the imminent Civilization VII.

In terms of hardware, I am very interested in the upcoming Switch 2. If Nintendo releases it at a reasonable price and with a decent launch library (a new Mario Kart is already visible in the trailer video), then I’ll look to buy it as soon as I can after launch.

I look forward to seeing you around for the rest of the year.

Building the dream team: the squad system of Unicorn Overlord

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Unicorn Overlord

I’m about to finish the excellent Unicorn Overlord, a fantasy strategy-RPG game available on consoles. While its writing is poor even by video-game standards, its mechanics are excellent, and nearly unique amongst modern games in the genre.

Central to those mechanics is the squad system, the focus of this article. This gives players a lot of scope to customise the squads into which the party is divided:

  • First, by choosing the characters who go into each squad.
  • Second, by setting up each character with skills, equipment, and programmable tactics.

Setting up synergies is fun…

Unicorn Overlord inherits its basic mechanics from Ogre Battle, the SNES classic:

  • Each stage is its own real-time battle map.
  • Instead of moving individual characters, the smallest controllable unit on the battle map is a squad of 3 to 5 characters. Eventually, the player can field up to 8 squads, for a total of 40 characters once fully upgraded.
  • Characters come in many different classes, which determine their stats, skills, and available gear.
  • Squads battle automatically, based on the tactics set up by the player.

Much of the fun comes from choosing, equipping, and configuring each squad’s characters so they complement each other. For example, this is my most powerful squad:

Squad 1, centred around Hilda, is my powerhouse.

The key member of this team is Hilda, the wyvern rider. Her spear enables a skill that hits every member of the enemy squad at once. Normally this would take two turns to charge, but see below.

The two other back row characters support her: a witch adds ice damage and the “freeze” status effect to Hilda’s attack, and Selvie the druid gives her a second consecutive turn. This lets her instantly charge up, attack on her first turn, wipe out most of the enemy, and freeze the survivors.

Selvie also casts the Sandstorm spell, which adds the “blind” status effect to the enemy party. Against most enemies this is overkill — Hilda rarely leaves survivors — but better safe than sorry.

The two front-row characters are mostly there for utility, soaking incoming damage, and cleanup. Alain, the game’s main character, gives a bonus to “valor”, the resource used to call in more squads or activate special abilities. I swap the fifth character as needed.

For some time, the weakness of this squad was that it had no healer. I am experimenting with swapping a healer back in before the final battles.

… and so is unleashing them

How does the system play out in practice? I have a roster of squads, mostly designed for specific purposes:

  • Some, like Hilda and friends above, are built for lethality. Their job is to go in, flatten the enemy squad with an all-targets attack on turn one, and then repeat with the next enemy.
    • For instance, I’ve set up another squad along similar lines — it enables a witch to barrage the enemy with one of the most powerful spells in the game on turn one1.
  • Some are meant for support, such as healing friendly squads or clearing obstacles from stage maps.
  • Some are meant for mobility, with lots of fast, mounted or flying characters.

Now that I’m in the endgame, most of these squads are tried and tested. Some I use largely as-is, although I change individual characters’ gear when dealing with enemies who can inflict status effects. Others I continued to tweak late into the game, as new characters joined or as inspiration struck.

Level design does matter — I try to pick the right squads for the map. For example:

  • On a stage centred around lifting the siege of a friendly city, I deployed my fastest squad to secure the palace and protect the NPC there.
  • Similarly, I like to manoeuvre flying squads around terrain to eliminate ballista and catapult crews before they can threaten my main force.
Clive and his cavalry squad move fast and hit very hard. Using a side route, I rushed them into the city to protect the palace, visible at the top.

While Unicorn Overlord’s main game is quite easy, I tweak squads more when playing the optional challenge content. This comes in two main flavours:

  • Scripted coliseum challenges against squads with themed builds. Some of these were diabolically hard — beating them at a low level was probably the biggest impetus I’ve had to overhaul and tailor my squads.
  • An “online” (really asynchronous) PvP mode where players can upload squads for others to challenge, and test their builds against other squads. Refining my tactics, practising my cheese builds, and trying to counter other people’s cheese builds has helped keep me entertained long after release. Whenever someone tries to hit me with an all-battlefield magic spell on turn one, it’s very satisfying to bring a character who can reflect magic.
That must hurt. Reflecting this squad’s magic hoist them on their own petard.

Other benefits (and how Unicorn Overlord adheres to the Covert Action rule)

Taking a step back, it’s worth thinking how the Unicorn Overlord (and by extension, the Ogre Battle) squad system addresses a couple of design issues in the genre.

First, making the basic unit the squad rather than the individual character maintains a manageable limit on the number of units the player has to move around.

Second, it addresses the “large roster problem” in RPGs that only allow the player to use a few characters at a time. While the sheer number of characters in Unicorn Overlord (there are over 60 unique characters in the main game, plus generics) means some still end up on the bench, most have a chance to shine, even if only under specific circumstances.

While replicating this would be difficult, given how it forms part of Unicorn Overlord’s overall design, a handful of games probably would benefit from the squad concept. Expeditions: Rome features a large roster, a mix of story characters & (underutilised) generics, and a rather pointless legion battles minigame that amounts to several mouse-clicks and a few resources going up or down. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to group the available characters into squads for the legion battles?

(There is even a precedent for this — Suikoden III, another game with a massive roster, featured an army battles minigame that grouped up the recruited characters into squads.)

A final question is whether the additional complexity of squad setup is only possible because the battles are automatic. I think the answer is “yes”. In other words, Unicorn Overlord respects the Law of Conservation of Complexity and Sid Meier’s Covert Action rule (“one good game is better than two great ones”). I don’t think the game would work if every stage bogged down into manually controlled battles every time two squads fought2.


For over five months, Unicorn Overlord has kept me entertained, in no small part thanks to the squad system. Over that time, I’ve developed a powerful set of squads — both individually capable and effective as a group. They’ve taken me through most of the game’s content, including its challenge content, and I expect them to be able to handle the finale. After all, I’ve honed my cheese in the PvP meta. What final boss could rival that?

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  1. I wish I could claim credit for this and Hilda’s squad — I found the ideas online.
  2. A very rough analogy might be the Dominions games, where the player doesn’t control armies in combat, but instead sets them up before.